
Welcome to Warsong! On this site you can find free sounds, music, pixel art, code, and more, under very permissive terms of use. You can use anything here for any kind of project, commercial or free, without credit and without paying a cent. If you want to get started right away, follow the navigation links above and look around, or check the tags list.

Some of the things on this site cannot be resold as-is. Please check the usage terms page.

2D Art: Versatile 255-Tile Pixel Art Pack

A bunch of pixel art made by me and collected for the sake of a very small game jam. Some new stuff, some stuff reused from my own old projects. 255 total 16x16 tiles. (The last tile is blank intentionally.)

One of the goals of this sheet is to keep the perspective ambiguous when possible. For example, the bed, pot, chest, etc. can be used both in top-down and sidescrolling games. Another goal is to have at least one thing that can be “misused” as almost anything; for example, you can turn the third carpet tile into a kind of crosshair by deleting the red parts, or you can take the thunder sprite and paint it black or gray to get a “broken tile” overlay.

Some tiles and sprites expect that you’re using a game engine that supports flipping and rotation. Some of them expect you to flip only half of the sprite, like the bottom halves of the characters’ up and down sprites. If your engine doesn’t support this, please make manually modified versions instead.

The “Download Images” link is a zip file that contains this sheet, an old version of the sheet with only 128 tiles, and “converted” versions of all of the autotileable tiles into Godot 3x3 minimal tilesheets using Webtyler.

Download Spritesheet and Tilesheets

Usage: Creative Commons Zero

Sounds: RPG Foley

Sound effects made for an open source RPG project. Every one of these sounds is “foley”, i.e. recorded in the real world, in a controlled environment, by making different objects interact or by making different sounds; they are not synthesized.

Each sound type is in a single wav file. Each sound effect within each wav file is exactly 37800 samples (or an integer multiple) apart (from start to start). Please cut them up and extract the individual sounds you want to use with Audacity or a similar program.

Has: Small chain sounds, small metal sounds, clanking sounds, clothing sounds, crunchy impacts, door/latch sounds, three types of footsteps with two sounds each, small monster gurgles, metal-on-metal clank/shlunk/slide sounds, food-munching sounds, potion alchemy success/failure/quaffing sounds, tumbling small wooden object sounds, swallowing sounds, and sword/staff swishes.

πŸ”Š RPG Foley Sounds (preview)

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Usage: Creative Commons Zero

Sounds: Nostalgiac Blues

Original sounds made for Nostalgiac Blues, a short 3d twin-stick shooter made for a game jam. Movement, interaction, death, etc. Some effects might be duplicated in other archives (potentially with different filenames), or have conflicting filenames.

πŸ”Š Nostalgiac Blues Sounds (preview)

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Usage: Creative Commons Zero

3D Art: Nostalgiac Blues

Original models and textures made for Nostalgiac Blues, a short 3d twin-stick shooter made for a game jam. Has a character model with parts for two characters (Alice Margatroid and Cirno).

Also contains the models for the levels, both the environments (untextured; their material is a triplanar mapping shader), and the individual parts (crate, pot, flowers, grass, rocks, mushrooms, etc).

Also contains the textures for some of the particles and UI elements, as well as the world textures.

All models are binary GLTF 2.0 models, and all non-level-mesh models have flat shading.

Note: Some of these models were made by someone other than me, but I have permission to release them here under these terms.

Download Models & Textures

Touhou-specific pieces of art can be used under the Touhou Project Fanwork, No Resale terms.

The other pieces of art can be used under the Creative Commons Zero legal code.

2D Art: Touhou Cosplay

Original art made for Jade’s Touhou Cosplay, a short hardcore platformer made for a game jam. Character sprites for Hakurei Reimu, Kirisame Marisa, Suika, and Alice Margatroid, parted up into individual sprite sheets per piece of clothing for easy customization. The sprites support walking, jumping, looking up, looking down (while jumping), and looking away from the camera.

Also includes tilesheets for wood floors and european/american-style walls (plaster/sheetrock with wooden baseboards) and sprites for various pirces of furniture (trunks, beds, mirrors, windows, etc).

Also, some UI sprites (including an animated keyboard arrow key, a number font, and simple gradient visual-novel style textboxes).

Download Images

Touhou-specific pieces of art can be used under the Touhou Project Fanwork, No Resale terms.

The other pieces of art can be used under the Creative Commons Zero legal code.

Music: Petaldust

Music made for Petaldust, a short hardcore platformer made for a game jam. Two tracks: a rock arrange of Ancient Temple and a slow acoustic guitar arrange of Theme of Eastern Story.

🎡 Slowly Slowly Everlasting (Original: Ancient Temple)

Download FLAC β€’ Download Ogg

🎡 Endless Spring (Original: Theme of Eastern Story)

Download FLAC β€’ Download Ogg

Usage: Touhou Project Fanwork, No Resale

NOTE: Slowly Slowly Everlasting uses drum samples from the DrumGizmo project, specifically DRSKit, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. To use it, you must also comply with the terms of that license, giving proper credit (to Deva & Lars Muldjord, the Drungizmo Team, and possibly others).

Sounds: Petaldust

Sound effects made for Petaldust, a short hardcore platformer made for a game jam. Sounds for: platformer movement (walking, jumping, landing, etc), slash attacks, breaking blocks, getting hurt, hitting a bell, hitting a slime, even jingles, etc. Some sounds are unused ingame. Some effects might be duplicated in other archives (potentially with different filenames), or have conflicting filenames.

These sounds have nothing to do with Touhou itself, so they’re CC0.

πŸ”Š Petaldust Sounds (preview)

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Usage: Creative Commons Zero

2D Art: Petaldust

Original art made for Petaldust, a short hardcore platformer made for a game jam. Sprites for: character (Youmu), breakable block, bridge, door (unused), floating book, slash sprite, textbox. Does not contain the tilesheets, they were not original.

Download Images

Touhou-specific pieces of art can be used under the Touhou Project Fanwork, No Resale terms.

The other pieces of art can be used under the Creative Commons Zero legal code.

Music: Metropolis Beyond the Far West

🎡 Metropolis Beyond the Far West

Download FLAC β€’ Download Ogg

The deserts in the far west were considered inhospitable for millennia, until the mages came and conquered the sands with magic. Then, ten years ago, invaders from another world came and went, causing all other countries to crumble, but this country did not. Yet, it approaches disaster.

Made in FL Studio with built-in instruments/effects, and also with freely-usable Gretsch drum loops from The Control Centre. Note: those drum loops were distributed without formal usage terms (other than “FREE STUFF”, which counts), so using this song in high-profile projects might be legally questionable.

Usage: No Resale